
Junior Kings Exhibition Game April 7th

jr4A group of 5 Communication Students from the University of New Mexico are working in conjunction with the Albuquerque Junior Kings Basketball Team to host an exhibition game with the Junior Kings.

The exhibition is intended to raise awareness for an amazing program for disabled youth in Albuquerque and provide a venue for the youth to compete against volunteers from the community. Volunteers will be playing in chairs for the day. Prizes and competitions will be part of the fun for spectators. Admission is free however; donations to the Albuquerque Kings will be accepted. The event is an extraordinary chance to showcase the youth’s talents and raise community awareness.

On Saturday, April 7th, 2012 the tournament will take place at 11am and the Job Corps facilities on Indian School west of 12th Street.

For more information on the hearing or the subject matter, please contact Kathy James.

Contact: Kathy James

Student at the University of New Mexico

Phone: (505) 227-6599


#3 Kings Heading to Nationals

KingsbadgeSmThe #3 ranked Albuquerque Kings will be heading to the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Co to compete in the NWBA National Championships from March 22-25. 16 teams where chosen and the brackets have been set. #3 Albuquerque Kings will face the #14 L.A. Clippers in the first round of action. We’ll keep all our fans and supporters up to date via Twitter and Facebook.

Thanks for supporting us Ambercare!

ambercareThe Kings depend on the support of their community to continue to provide wheelchair basketball to Albuquerque. We want to thank Ambercare for their commitment to help the Albuquerque Kings become a large scale wheelchair basketball program in New Mexico.

For your healthcare needs, contact


Kings go 4-0!



Your Albuquerque Kings go 4-0 in Phoenix Arizona at the 13th Annual Suns Roundup Tournament. The Kings started strong by beating the New York Knicks 60-41. Game two of the tournament was against UofA. It was a close game but pulled away at the end to win 61-50. The 3rd game of the day came against Las Vegas. The Kings took the victory 74-56, sealing a shot to play for first place in the tournament the next day. The Kings end up playing against the #4 team in the nation, Golden State. It was a close game but the Kings pulled through with a 68-63 win.

March 2nd the Kings go to Las Vegas for the last regular season tournament before nationals. Las Vegas may prove to be the toughest tournament of the year with many of the best teams in the nation showing up.


rsz_suns_banner_wheelchair_logo_cmykKings are traveling to Phoenix Arizona this weekend to compete in the 13th Annual Suns Roundup. Here is all the information bellow!

Virginia G Piper Sports and Fitness Center
5031 E Washington Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85034


Pool A – Court A Pool B – Court B
1)University of Arizona Wildcats 2)Golden State Road Warriors
3)Albuquerque Kings 4)LA Clippers Chairmen
5)Las Vegas Silver Bandits/td> 6)Banner Wheelchair Suns
7)New York Rollin’ Knicks 8)Austin ‘Reckers


Pool A – Court A Pool B – Court B
Game 1 & 2 9:00 AM 3 vs. 7 4 vs. 8
Game 3 & 4 10:30 AM 1 vs. 5 2 vs. 6
Game 5 & 6 12 Noon 5 vs. 7 6 vs. 8
Game 7 & 8 1:30 PM 1 vs. 3 2 vs. 4
Game 9 & 10 3:00 PM 3 vs. 5 4 vs. 6
Game 11 & 12 4:30 PM 1 vs. 7 2 vs. 8


Pool A – Court A Pool B – Court B
13 & 14 9:00 AM 4th place A vs. 4th place B 3rd place A vs. rd place B
Game 15 & 16 10:30 AM 2nd place vs. 2nd place B 1st place A vs. 1st place B

The gym will be open 8:00 AM Saturday and Sunday. First team listed will wear light jersey. First tie breaker is head to head competition, second tie breaker least amount of points allowed. For more information call 602-790-7909. View facility